Win Regatta's Featured Product

Here's your chance to win the featured Regatta product in this month's prize draw. All you have to do is fill in the details below and send them to us. When the lucky winner is drawn they will get the good news by email.

Landtrekka 35

Product Review: Landtrekka 35 - BEST BUY
Source: Camping - September 2000

The list of features gives truly amazing value for money. There's also plenty of room inside although it is the heaviest. Its great to see the tensioned mesh back system at this price. And it doesn't really suffer from the same problem as similar designs where the tension digs into the small of the back slightly. Despite the low price, it's a sturdy sack. The waterproof cover, which pops out of a pocket at the base, is very handy.

Score:4½ out of 5

Watch this space for winner information - Please fill in the details below!!
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Preferred Color :
? ?
*If we do not have your prefferd colour Regatta reserves the right to substitute the prize with an alternative of the same value.

By entering the prize draw you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions.
1. No purchase is necessary and the closing date for entries is September 30th.
2. Only one entry per household. Employees of the promoter, their relatives or agents or anyone professionally connected with this promotion are not eligible to enter.
3. The prize on offer is the featured garment. There is no cash alternative.
4. There will be 1 winner per draw. The winner will be drawn at random by a representative of the promoter in the presence of an independent observer. Winners will be notified by email and a list of the winners will be published on the site.
5. The prize will be despatched within 28 days.
6. All entries are by e-mail only. No other form of entry will be accepted.
7. The promoter is not responsible for any lost, delayed or incomplete entries. Statutory rights are not effected.
8. All entrants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions
9. Promoter: Hayes Leisureware AB, Box 5, 311 21 Falkenberg.


